10 years ago
02:00- 02:30
Marc and Jenn move a load from the TV show The Munsters; Todd and Tamera haul a lunar lander.
10 years ago
02:00- 02:30
Todd and Tamara move Batman's cape whilst Jenn finds it hard to safely move a 1970s recording unit.
10 years ago
02:00- 02:30
With Todd and Tamera at the helm, Gumby's trip to a 60 year celebration ends up looking more like a funeral, while a load of vegetables under Jenn's care come out looking like they went through a salad shooter.
10 years ago
02:00- 02:30
Dusty connects with his inner nerd after booking Star Wars memorabilia along with a massive Kung Fu Panda statue, while Samko nearly gets stuck in the past when she's set to haul a famous Pioneer bus that's seen better days, like when it was made 87 years ago.
10 years ago
02:30- 03:00
After winning a fire-breathing Disco Robot bound for a music festival, Chris Kikelhan soon grows nostalgic for the days of easier runs after he struggles to get it all to fit at the pick up, meanwhile with his Fiberglass castle load, Dusty gets a taste of royalty when the client has some peculiar demands.
10 years ago
02:00- 02:30
Jenn's love for animals takes a mauling when she attempts to tame a run that includes six massive Bengal tigers, meanwhile Marc get's creative with a pick up truck and trailer when he can't deliver his rig load of mythological figures into a residential neighborhood.