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Robot Chicken Show Summary, Upcoming Episodes and TV Guide

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Robot Chicken

  • Show status
    To Be Determined
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    Adult Swim
  • Last episode S11E20 aired 2022-04-12
    3 years ago
  • Rating based on 21 user-votes
    • 4.71/5

    Robot Chicken (TV-Show)4.7/5 (21 Votes)

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Robot Chicken (source:

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Robot Chicken - S11E20
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aired 2022-04-12 (3 years ago)
May Cause Season 11 to End
Season: 11 | Episode: 20
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Show Summary

Robot Chicken is original in the ways that there hasnt been any like it since Action League NOW! The great fact is the episodes are so incredibly random, yet they still happen to pull through and manage to be completely hilarious, without losing the viewers attention because of the entire random factor...
So read the rules and have fun posting... about the sheer random-ness that is Robot Chicken!

(Source of banner:

Adult Swim Started: Feb/20/2005
Usually airs on: Sunday

Type: Animation
Genres: Comedy Science-Fiction
Country: US US

Alternative titles:
  • Робоцып (RU)
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    (Screencap by
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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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  • s11e12
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    3 years ago
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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    3 years ago
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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    04:00- 04:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The Super, Extra-Special, One of a Kind, 200th episode spectacular. The Robot Chicken crew finally reveals everything you wanted to know about his experiment with the chicken, the chair, and the televisions.

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  • s10e19
    • 0.00/5
    5 years ago
    04:00- 04:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The Pomsie's have come to take over our world. The kids at Hogwart's get to see each others true fears. The RC gang puts a new twist on Old Yeller. We learn that Alexa never stops listening and that can only lead to one thing...the apocalypse.

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    5 years ago
    04:00- 04:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    (Screencap by
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    Robot Chicken - S11E20 Sorry, currently no summary available for this episode
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    04:15- 04:30
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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  • s10e09
    • 0.00/5
    5 years ago
    04:00- 04:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The 'Robot Chicken' crew reveal what really happened to Bambi's mother; an Animorph revives the Red Panda population; Brainy Smurf gets diagnosed with CTE; Bitch Puddin' checks into the Bates Motel.

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  • s10e08
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    5 years ago
    04:15- 04:30
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    • 0.00/5
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    04:00- 04:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    • 0.00/5
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    04:15- 04:30
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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    04:00- 04:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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  • s10e03
    • 0.00/5
    5 years ago
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    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    April O'Neil and Donald Trump sit down and get to the truth about Shredder. We get a first glimpse at the next (and greatest) The Fast and The Furious movies. The RC Writers show us what happened to Pee Wee's Playhouse while he was out looking for his stolen bicycle.

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  • s10e02
    • 0.00/5
    5 years ago
    04:15- 04:30
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The Robot Chicken crew shows us what events made Harold start drawing with his purple crayon. Jerry Seinfeld and The Joker have a very explosive chat in Jerry's car. Miss Frizzle jumps on board the Fortnite Battle Bus and rides into battle.

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  • s10e01
    • 0.00/5
    5 years ago
    04:00- 04:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

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  • Hi.
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Robot Chicken ends the season with a bang and some nudity as the Nerd jumps the Grand Canyon. Stranger Things are happening to the school bully… VERY Stranger Things. Witness the greatest Japanese commercial of ALL TIME!

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  • s09e19
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The writers of Robot Chicken tell Two-Face the most they've ever lost on a coin toss. The Joker bombs on stage, but not in our hearts. Jon Snow faces the greatest threat Westeros has ever seen!

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  • s09e18
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Are the Robot Chicken writers the only ones to notice that King Kong fell from the Empire State Building butt-first? The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles don't have money to pay for that pizza. The Smurfs try to Smurf themselves some Sudafed.

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  • s09e17
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Robot Chicken reviews all the Star Wars plot holes that Galen Erso helped close in Rogue One. Peppa Pig's family deal with Brexit fallout. Some swine dare to make a knock-off of the Broadway mega-hit Hamilton.

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  • s09e16
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Robot Chicken is there when one of Scooby Doo's villains realizes the silliness of his plan. Super Grover's secret identity is revealed! Calvin grows up but Hobbes wants no part of it.

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  • s09e15
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The creators of Robot Chicken revisit the POG craze for some reason. Mulan's disguise has worked too well. Rita Repulsa advertises a new use for her wand, and the Power Rangers refuse to pay the price!

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  • s09e14
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The Robot Chicken crew witness the straw that breaks Captain Planet's back. A Spider-Man secret is revealed thanks to J. Jonah Jameson. The Nerd realizes his problems are Legion.

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  • s09e13
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The staff at Robot Chicken finally envision what a Sailor Earth would look like as the Sailor Scouts head out for churros. The Wicked Witch has some last-minute confessions you may not enjoy hearing. Richie Rich gets a lesson in capitalism.

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  • s09e12
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The proud citizens of Robot Chicken stand up and demand the Furby genocide be recognized! Who watches the Watchmens' mouths? Bitch Pudding doesn't want to hear The Sound of Music.

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  • s09e11
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The minds at Robot Chicken uncover the real reason Indiana Jones hates snakes. Maxwell Lord gets an inside look at Supergirl's weakness.

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  • s09e10
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    04:30- 04:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Robot Chicken wants to expose the monster in its pocket; Megatron goes too far in Beast Wars; Wile E. Coyote sees if he can Get Away With Murder.

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  • s09e09
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    04:30- 04:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Robot Chicken's writers can't get a grasp of Fight Club's rules. Was old Rose's Titanic flashback just a tall tale? Zack Morris takes a time out with the Avengers.

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  • s09e08
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    04:30- 04:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Miss Frizzle goes to great lengths to survive when the Magic School Bus crashes in the mountains; Harry Potter relives his golden years; Dominic Toretto gets fast and furious with the Titanic.

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  • s09e07
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    04:30- 04:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Harriet the Spy is trying to fit into the modern world of cyberwarfare; Alvin and the Chipmunks play Coachella for the first and last time.

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  • s09e06
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    04:30- 04:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Robot Chicken joins the dinosaur revolution as Fred Flintstone runs for his life! Sebastian has union trouble with his orchestra. The MCU holds an intervention for Jessica Jones.

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  • s09e05
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    04:30- 04:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The team discover the emotions of adulthood in 'Inside Out 2'; the pig from Black Mirror tells all to Howard Stern; the Nerd forces his way through 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens.'

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  • s09e04
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    04:30- 04:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Daniel Tiger is taught the toughest lesson of all, thanks to Robot Chicken! A Nerd looks behind the curtain at Nick's Arcade and hates it. Jabberjaw goes on a much-needed vacation... to Amity Island.

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  • s09e03
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    04:30- 04:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The Robot Chicken crew wonders if Doc McStuffins can handle it in the emergency room. Investors are less than thrilled with Westworld's first generation of hosts. The Scooby gang tell each other how they really feel, with dangerous results.

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  • s09e02
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    04:30- 04:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The Robot Chicken writers are back at work on a new season, but had to take Fury Road to get to the office! Also, Beavis has moved on from his life with Butthead, and Robot Chicken's Nerd is the latest guest in Westworld.

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  • s09e01
    • 0.00/5
    7 years ago
    04:30- 04:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Happy holidays everyone, as Robot Chicken joins Santa for the one Christmas he'll never forget. The north pole elves dream of the toys of holidays past. Krampus puts in a good word for the coal industry. St. Nick meets his idol: Jared Leto.

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  • s08e20
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Another zany episode dripping with grey matter from the Robot Chicken writer's room, where anything can and will happen! Lois Lane is dead, but was it...super murder? Batman asks if Superman can bleed, but maybe he could care less. You vote on the season 8 finale spectacular!

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  • s08e19
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The writers of Robot Chicken imagine what would happen if Darth Vader learned to say 'I'm Sorry.' Bugs Bunny takes his cross-dressing to the next level. The Terminator changes the future a bit too much. Edna Mode gets an incredible new job.

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  • s08e18
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The mic has been dropped by those hardcore Robot Chicken writers...but Walter White Jr. picks it up. The Exo-Squad's suits are ready for job #1, but not job #2. Remy makes a new kind of ratatouille.

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  • s08e17
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The RC writers uncover the outtakes from Seth Green's classic Burger King commerical. Krang lies on his online dating profile. Andy's latest toy doesn't fit in with the Toy Story gang. Huey Lewis' lost 'Back to the Future' hit song.

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  • s08e16
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    From the minds of the writers, we watch as Liam Neeson finds his seat in the movies has been...taken. A veterinarian explains how 101 dalmatians reproduce. Monster High steals the Crypt Keeper's schtick.

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  • s08e15
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Superman wishes he had locked the doors to his fortress of solitude. The wolf from Red Riding Hood has identity issues, Are you smarter than a 5th Grader.

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  • s08e14
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The Robot Chicken crew discovers that Daredevil wasn't the only one to lose his senses in a terrible accident. Hogwarts doesn't teach birth control. Solid Snake gives away his position in the bathroom. The Micronauts get the greatest, or worst, public transportation system.

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  • s08e13
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The Property Brothers try to satisfy Lex Luthor's need for real estate. Is being a My Little Pony just a phase? The US Army finds a use for Inspector Gadget. Robot Chicken re-tells the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

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  • s08e12
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The ingenious Robot Chicken writers give some advice on why you should butt out of the Power Rangers' business. Obi-Wan takes the low road to the high ground. The Terminator goes back in time to stop Eve from eating the apple.

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  • s08e11
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    03:30- 03:45
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Overheard in the Robot Chicken writers room: the Green Mile seems a lot longer than that. Optimus Prime never shirks his duty...except maybe jury duty. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles learn about the birds and the cloacas.

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  • s08e10
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    04:59- 05:14
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Robot Chicken introduces the next animated mega-hit: The Cheese League! Oprah lands a hot guest: C'thulhu. Galactus needs a new herald. Family Double Dare breaks a few families apart, and Nickelodeon's Guts teaches a boy to score.

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  • s08e09
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    04:59- 05:14
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    Only the RC writers know the true history of the brown M&M. What happened after Charlie won the Chocolate Factory? Can a perverted unicorn make a kid's dream come true? Maybe he shouldn't...

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  • s08e08
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    04:59- 05:14
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    From the geniuses in the Robot Chicken writers room, we bring you - uh oh, Skipper, that is not Barbie's bus. The Purge is on, and the unbreakable laws are broken! The battle of the Ex X's? Is it The Predator or The Bachelor...or both?

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  • s08e07
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    05:00- 05:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The minds behind Robot Chicken expose a deep dark family secret, and we learn that nothing will ever be the same when the Robot Chicken Nerd discovers his true father is...Father Christmas! And then a lot of people die.

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  • s08e06
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    05:15- 05:30
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The 'Robot Chicken' writers wonder whose job it was to walk King Kong; Michael Bay reveals the secrets to 'Transformers Five.'

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  • s08e05
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    9 years ago
    05:00- 05:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    A trip with the Robot Chicken team, when the Magic School Bus goes on its final adventure; the circle of life sends the Wonder Pets through a loop; Teenage Archie Andrews finally picks a girlfriend.

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  • s08e04
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    9 years ago
    05:00- 05:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The Robot Chicken writers - and the Gargoyles - meet their ultimate foe: Pigeons. Naked Captain Picard wins it all! Can the Paw Patrol rescue themselves from the ultimate terror? The Animaniacs get sex-educational.

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  • s08e03
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    05:00- 05:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    How far will Pluto go to get away from his Dwarf Planet friends? There isn't an American Girl doll for everybody. Just like the creators of Robot Chicken have done in the past, The Wild Thornberrys have to get extremely wild to stay on the air.

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  • s08e02
    • 4.00/5
    9 years ago
    05:00- 05:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    The Robot Chicken writers find out what happens when the girl from 'The Ring' realizes videotape is a dead technology. Fonzie's coolness goes too far on an un-happy day. The Robot Chicken Nerd gets lost in The CW.

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  • s08e01
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    04:00- 04:15
    Robot Chicken - S11E20

    From the brilliant minds that brought you 'Children of Lego Men' comes another season of sketches with film ideas that are unfit for your viewing pleasure! First up: Hollywood's so bad it's good when Godzilla fights Jason. How does Bob the Builder deal with competition from Handy Manny? Dinosaur Train's an improbable train! The Little Match girl finds a new, deadly use for her matches.

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