10 years ago
04:00- 04:30
Sorry, currently no summary available for this episode
10 years ago
04:00- 04:30
Sorry, currently no summary available for this episode
10 years ago
04:00- 04:30
The Hulk runs into Ghost Rider while standing trial with Abomination.
10 years ago
04:00- 04:30
Hulk reunites with Agents of S.M.A.S.H. and is whisked into the future.
10 years ago
04:00- 04:30
Chasing Leader through time to WWII, Hulk teams up with Captain America to stop Red Skull. In the present, the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. fight to free the world from HYDRA.
10 years ago
04:00- 04:30
Hulk follows Leader back in time to the Victorian era and unites the Howling Commandos against Dracula, who wants to shroud the Earth with Leader's gamma cloud, allowing vampires to prey night and day.
10 years ago
04:00- 04:30
Hulk follows Leader back in time to the Viking Era and teams up with young Thor and Loki. The Agents of S.M.A.S.H. fight to stop All Father Leader from taking over the planet.
10 years ago
04:00- 04:30
Hulk chases Leader back in time to the Jurassic era, but their actions result in present Earth being taken over by dinosaurs. Hulk battles Leader in the past to save all of time.
10 years ago
04:00- 04:30
Mainframe challenges the SMASH agents & Iron Man to a roller derby match to decide the fate of the planet Earth.
10 years ago
04:00- 04:30
Hulk makes the decision to become Bruce Banner permanently which presents a problem when Ronan the Accuser arrives on Earth demanding the surrender of Hulk.
10 years ago
04:00- 04:30
The Agents of SMASH pay a visit to Hercules in order to save the world from the lord of the underworld.
10 years ago
05:00- 05:30
While saving Earth from a Gamma energy infused asteroid, the SMASH agents receive assistance from a future Hulk.
10 years ago
05:00- 05:30
Red & Skaar try their hand at bounty hunting traveling to Russia to apprehend Abomination. To their surprise they meet up with the Super Apes & Red Ghost who has plans of his own that involve Abomination's gamma power.
Meanwhile, Hulk remains in Vista Verde as a stand in mayor.