Show Summary
Marking the television debut of renowned filmmaker Marc Forster and written by Ben Watkins, Hand of God stars Golden Globe winner Ron Perlman as "Judge Pernell Harris." Hand of God also stars Dana Delany as the Judge's protective wife "Crystal Harris," Garret Dillahunt as "KD," the born-again sociopath whose violent tendencies are exploited by Pernell, Andre Royo as the slick, smart, gregarious, and greedy mayor "Robert ‘Bobo' Boston," Alona Tal as Pernell's grieving daughter-in-law "Jocelyn Harris," Julian Morris as the questionable preacher "Paul Curtis," Elizabeth McLaughlin as the preacher's sultry girlfriend "Alicia," and Emayatzy Corinealdi as Pernell's call girl and confidante "Tessie." The show centers on the powerful Judge Harris, a hard-living, law-bending married man with a high-end call girl on the side, who suffers a mental breakdown and goes on a vigilante quest to find the rapist who tore his family apart. With no real evidence to go on, Pernell begins to rely on "visions" and "messages" he believes are being sent by God through Pernell's ventilator-bound son.
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Started: Aug/28/2014
Usually aired on: Friday
Type: ScriptedGenres: