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Dragon Ball Super Show Summary, Upcoming Episodes and TV Guide

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Dragon Ball Super

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    Fuji TV
  • Last episode S5E55 aired 2018-03-25
    7 years ago
  • Rating based on 50 user-votes
    • 4.88/5

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Dragon Ball Super (source:

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aired 2018-03-25 (7 years ago)
Goku, Until the Day We Meet Again
Season: 5 | Episode: 55
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Show Summary

After Son Goku defeated the dangerous Majin Boo, peace has returned to Earth once again. Chi-Chi wants Goku to get a job, so Goku works as a radish farmer. Meanwhile, Son Goten along with his friend Trunks are looking for a present for Videl, soon to be his sister-in-law when his older brother, Son Gohan gets engaged with her.

(Source of summary and banner:

Started: Jul/05/2015
Usually aired on: Sunday

Type: Animation
Genres: Action Adventure Anime Fantasy
Country: JP JP

Alternative titles:
  • Dragon Ball Chou ()
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  • s04e30
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Android 18 and Marin arrive at Master Roshi's house, learning from him and Baba that Krillin and Goku have entered the 'Forest of Terror' where they are facing constructs based on their memories. While Goku is able to deal with them, Krillin is having trouble the illusions of Tambourine, Frieza, Dabura, and the evil Majin Buu bring back memories of him getting killed. Overcome with fear, Krillin attempts to leave forest before and a Goku find the trees blocking their escape as they get separated. Krillin finds himself surrounded by the illusions, eventually realizing they are feeding on his energy. He heeds Roshi's training and calms himself down, which weakens the illusions. As a final challenge, Fortuneteller Baba summons an illusion of Super Shenron that ensnares Goku while he uses the Flying Nimbus to find Krillin. Krillin quickly frees Goku as the two use a combined Kamehameha blast to destroy the illusion, causing the Miracle Herbs to sprout up. Goku and Krillin return to Master Roshi's house with bags full of the herbs, Roshi admits that there is actually no secret technique though Krillin got his master's intended lesson and regained his confidence, disagrees. Krillin returns home and has Android 18 shaves his head so he can resume his martial arts training as Goku arrives to spar.

  • s04e76
    • 5.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e29
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goku seeks a sparring partner to train with, but mostly everyone is unavailable. Goku takes Goten's suggestion to ask Krillin, who is still working as a police officer. Krillin is grazed by a bullet during a shootout with a pair of burglars who Goku easily disarms. Krillin declines Goku's offer to spar, having gave up martial arts since he knows he would be no challenge for Goku. But Krillin reconsiders after being chastised by Android 18 and Marin wanting a strong dad. Goku and Krillin leave for Master Roshi's to train as they did when they were children, Krillin still no match for Goku even after the latter wears a heavy suit as a handicap. Roshi senses Krillin's self-doubt and takes a different approach by sending his students on a race to a heavily forested island to recover a rare herb. As a reward, Roshi offers to teach the winner a secret technique that can immensely increase the user's strength. On the island, Goku and Krillin meet Fortuneteller Baba who Roshi recruited to help relay their process. Goku and Krillin proceed into the forest, encountering familiar enemies emerging from a heavy fog.

  • s04e75
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e28
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Gohan managed to convince Jaco not to blast him and learns of Watagashi, whose species enhances people with inner darkness. Cocoa brings Gohan back to her apartment for a night-long rehearsal, being extorted by Barry to place Gohan in a scandalous situation for a tabloid photographer. Though Cocoa had a secret change of heart and attempted to get Gohan from the photographer, Barry took the pictures and attempts to present him as cheater to Videl. But Videl sees through Barry's actions as he is forced out after threatening to expose Gohan as Great Saiyaman, the film star parasitized by Watagashi soon after. The possessed Barry kidnaps Pan for a final showdown with Gohan, gradually turning into a monster who nearly kills Gohan. Videl and Pan express complete faith in Gohan's desire to protect them and call out to encourage him. Gohan transforms into 'Super Great Saiyaman' and knocks out Barry with Watagashi extracted by Jaco. The film crew filmed the fight to use for their climax as it become a hit, with Cocoa extorting Barry to keep Gohan's secret or be exposed as the monster that attacked the city. Though Jaco regains custody of Watagashi, he ends up repeating the same mistake that led to the parasite's escape.

  • s04e74
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e27
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    While Jaco takes a lunch break, he accidentally loses the custody of a parasitic alien named Watagashi (綿餓死). On Earth, Gohan and Videl learn that Mr. Satan is starring in a new superhero film: titled 'Great Saiyaman vs. Mister Satan'! Gohan's family visit the set and are introduced to the film's leading actor, the famous yet self-absorbed Barry Kahn whose attempt of flirting with Videl is spurred in front of the film crew. Gohan later decides to serve as Barry's stunt double to impress Pan, Barry allowing it with the thought that it would embarrass and potentially maim him. But Gohan uses his powers as to easily take on the role. Gohan later dons the suit again for a fight against a pair of bank robbers from his past, one of them turned into a monster Gohan defeated before noticing Watagashi escape into a sewer. Though Bulma covers for him when the film crew nearly deduced him to be the real Great Saiyaman, Gohan's secret is found out by the film's co star Cocoa who blackmails Gohan into flying her around the city. But the two are attacked by Jaco as he assumes Great Saiyaman is Watagashi's host.

  • s04e73
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e26
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    As it seemed Goku is beyond Piccolo's ability to heal, his heart is jump started when the energy attack he launched early in midair hits him. After telling his sons and Piccolo not to get involve, having deduced Hit's assassination technique to be an invisible energy blast, Goku leaves and calls Hit out as they resume their fight. Nearby, Champa and Vados are watching fight with the latter revealed to have served as an intermediary for Hit's client while explaining to Champa that the assassin uses the stored time from his Time Skips to create a pocket dimension which plays in his tangibility. They are later joined by Vegeta, Beerus, and Whis as Goku uses his power to damage Hit's pocket dimension with his a Kamehameha causing a double knockout. In the aftermath, Goku reveals himself as Hit's client with Whis and Vados helping set everything up so he can fight the assassin at his best. Hit takes his leave soon after, intent to fight Goku another time as the job has no deadline.

  • s04e72
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e25
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goten and Gohan notice their father Goku acting strangely as they spent all day following him before Gohan decides to direct the direct approach during dinner. It was after dinner that Goku admits to Gohan and Goten that someone wants to kill him. Elsewhere, as Vegeta notices Whis is hiding something while assuming Super Saiyan Blue to pass his training regime. Meanwhile, in the Sixth Universe, Hit finished assassinating a crime boss and learns his next target is Goku. Goku senses Hit coming and flies off to a remote area where no one would get caught up in their fight, Hit arrives and assures Goku that he has more than his Time-Skip. Goku finds his attacks unable to hit a tangible Hit, seemingly killed with a single invisible blow to the heart as he fires his energy attack into the air before collapsing as Piccolo, Gohan, and Goten arrive.

  • s04e71
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e24
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Champa contacts Beerus and challenges him to a friendly game of baseball (野球, Yakyū) between their teams on the Seventh Universe's Earth, though Champa is using the game as an opportunity to help himself to Earth's food as Vados convinces him to join in the game. As Hit and Frost are absent, Vegeta and Goten take their spots in the Sixth Universe team. The baseball game begins with Goku as pitcher, though it is ultimately revealed that Yamcha is the only participate with experience in baseball. The Seventh Universe team take bat with Yamcha getting himself injured several times from stealing bases but staying safe, one such moment resulting in Beerus and Champa engaging each other in a fight that threatens reality before Whis and Vados intervene and call the baseball game off. Vados reveals that Yamcha actually stole home while everyone was distracted by the Destroyers' fight, with his team winning the game by one point, Champa's obsession of training his team for a rematch apparently making him forgot his initial goal.

  • s04e70
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e23
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Vegeta, Bulma, and Trunks attend a science competition that is hosted by Mr. Satan, with Goku hired for security. Dr. Senbei Norimaki of Penguin Village wins the award for his Reality Machine that conjures any item the user can think of. The ceremony is interrupted by the ghost of Dr. Norimaki's nemesis Dr. Mashirito, who used a chemical called Playtime-X to increase the hyperactive tendencies of Norimaki's powerful robot daughter Arale Norimaki to destructive levels. Vegeta attempts to stop Arale, but is sent flying after being overwhelmed by her strength and cartoon physics. Goku, recognizing Arale from when they met in his youth, transforms into Super Saiyan Blue with both equally matched. Bulma fears the fight could destroy the world, and uses the collective thoughts of the viewing audience with the Reality Machine to create a mass of delicious food. This attracts Beerus, who obliterates Dr. Mashirito when he interrupts the destroyer. Before he can do the same to Arale, the ingested food causes him severe stomach pain and prompts him to rush home with Whis. Shortly afterwards, Dr. Norimaki and Arale leave and return home, with Goku and Arale agreeing to fight again in the future.

  • s04e69
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e22
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Bulma attempts to secretly build her own Time Machine with no success due to needing a rare crystal that can currently be found in the Earth's core, keeping her activities a secret from Goku as he begins to gather the Dragon Balls to use one of the two unused wishes to revive King Kai. Beerus and Whis arrive on Earth soon after, Bulma taking them to a seafood restaurant to keep them in the dark. When Goku summons Shenron to provide with the wish, Android 18, Roshi, Oolong, Trunks and Goten all show up and an argument ensures. The argument worsens after the group allow Gohan to use one of the wishes to heal Pan of her fever, Bulma arriving and talking mostly everyone out of their wishes. Bulma then convinces Goku to travel to the center of the Earth to get the crystal for her in return for the last wish, only for the deities to realize what she's up to after they left the restaurant. Beerus spares Bulma while destroying the crystal and all traces of the Time Machine's existence from Bulma's lab to make his point across. The Dragon Balls then suddenly scatter as Goku was about to make his wish, Goku promising a furious King Kai that he will get another chance once the Dragon Balls reactivate.

  • s04e68
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e21
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    The bifurcated Merged Zamasu expresses his disbelief of being defeated as he disintegrates, the victory short-lived as Zamasu transcended his physical form and is now merging himself with the universe. Infinite Zamasu wipes out everyone on Earth with only Goku and company remaining while proceeding to bleed himself into all space and time. Goku looks for another Senzu bean in his pocket when he instead finds the button that Zeno gave him, summoning the future timeline's Grand Zeno. After Goku explains the situation, Future Grand Zeno erases the future multiverse with the Supreme Kais returning to the past while Goku and the others escape using the Time Machine as Zamasu ceases to exist. Once the group return to the present, Goku and Future Trunks return to what remains of the future timeline to retrieve Future Zeno. Goku then has Shin take him and Zeno to give him Future Zeno as the promised playmate with the Grand Minister (大神官, Daishinkan) expressing astonishment to his son Whis. Whis later suggests Future Trunks and Future Mai to travel to a point in their timeline before Zamasu became a threat where he can be removed by Beerus, though it would mean they would co-exist with the new timeline's versions of them. Future Trunks and Future Mai accept the solution and depart for the new future.

  • s04e67
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e20
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goku puts everything into his Kamehameha to injure Merged Zamasu, injuring his arms before using his Kaio-ken technique to knock his opponent down when he grabs his foot. But Goku collapse while Merged Zamasu begin to improperly heal, Gowasu assuming that Black's mortal body is disrupting Zamasu's indestructible body. Goku decides that the only way they can win is for him and Vegeta to fuse using Shin's Potara earrings, Vegeta reluctantly agreeing after Gowasu explains that a Potara fusion that does not involve a Supreme Kai only lasts for one hour. The newly fused Vegito powers up to Super Saiyan Blue, who dubs himself 'Vegito Blue', and battles Merged Zamasu who eventually turns the table after admitting that becoming half-mortal was intended to remain true to his goals as Gowasu considers his apprentice becoming an embodiment of everything he hates. Meanwhile, after the survivors regroup with Bulma and Future Mai as they finish repair the Time Machine. Future Mai gives Future Trunks his broken sword, which inspires him to keep fighting as he channels his energy through it. Future Trunks arrives in time as Vegito's fusion abruptly ends as the result of his immense power. Future Trunks unknowingly begins gathering energy from all living things on Earth and creates a Spirit Bomb, which he channels into his sword as he runs through Merged Zamasu and cuts him in half.

  • s04e66
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e19
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Immensely more powerful while possessing the abilities of his components, Merged Zamasu displays his power by devastating the Earth in the process while overpowering Goku and Vegeta. Future Trunks decides to rejoin the fight, but he is also overpowered while using his Galick Gun to hold off Merged Zamasu's Holy Wrath attack. Vegeta aids Trunks with his Galick Gun and overpower Merged Zamasu's attack, though he survives unscathed. Vegeta barely saves Future Trunks from a deadly attack before knocked out as Merged Zamasu charges a second attack before Goku intervenes with his Kamehameha.

  • s04e65
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e18
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Vegeta continues overpowering Goku Black, who deduced rage as a factor in Saiyan's power increasing and uses the method to increase his strength enough to cut a rift in space. Black proceeds to keep Goku and Vegeta at bay with his energy duplicates of himself while Zamasu goes after Future Trunks, Future Mai, and Bulma as they attempt to repair the Time Machine. Giving Future Trunks and Mai a video of Piccolo teaching her the Evil Containment Wave, Bulma attempts to buy them time by flirting with Future Zamasu and nearly gets herself killed. Luckily, Trunks arrives and uses the Evil Containment Wave to trap Zamasu in the jar. But Goku forget to bring the charm needed to stabilize the seal with a traumatized and weaken Zamasu breaking free as everyone regroups. Realizing that they can no longer underestimate their enemies, Goku Black and Future Zamasu use their Potara earrings to fuse into an immensely powerful being.

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  • s04e64
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55 Sorry, currently no summary available for this episode
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  • s04e17
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    After being saved by the resistance, Future Trunks comes to and learns of Future Mai has found the villains' hideout and saves her after her failed attempt to snipe Goku Black. Future Trunks fights the two again and fails after attempting a suicide attack to destroy Zamasu's body, Goku and Vegeta arriving just in time to save him. Goku Black damages the Time Machine to prevent them from escaping again as Gowasu appears with Shin in an attempt to reason with his apprentice. But Black and Zamasu reveal their actions of slaughtering the other deities, with Goku learning that a Destroyer's death means their angel attendant like Whis enters an inactive state until a replacement appears. Zamasu and Black attempt to kill Gowasu before Goku and Vegeta intervene and battle them while Bulma begins repairing the Time Machine and having Future Trunks repair the sealing urn which Goku brought. Vegeta gets the upper hand over Black due to his training, denouncing his opponent as a thief who never worked to gain his power like any real Saiyan would.

  • s04e63
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e16
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Despite Future Trunks' power boost, he is only able to hold Black and Zamasu off while Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma retreat back into the present after they give Future Mai the senzu beans. Goku is taken for medical treatment while Vegeta explains what happened in Future Trunks' timeline and Black's origin to Beerus and Whis with the former taking his leave as he only remained to learn Black's connection to Zamasu. Meanwhile, Chi-Chi and Gohan meet with Krillin to ask if he knows where Goku went while finding Goten with Trunks as he intends to travel to the future. After everyone assembles, they discuss how to defeat Black and Zamasu when Piccolo proposes using the Evil Containment Wave (魔封波, Mafūba) which was used on his previous incarnation. Goku decides to learn the technique from Master Roshi's while Vegeta trains in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Beerus approaching Gowasu to deal with his wayward apprentice.

  • s04e62
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e15
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goku Black explains that he is Zamasu from an alternate timeline where he succeeded in killing Gowasu, the Time-Ring allowing him to be unaffected by his past self's death. The other Zamasu then formally introduces himself as the Zamasu of Future Trunks' timeline, whom Black allied himself with as they destroyed the Super Dragon Balls after using them to grant Zamasu indestructibility. They then killed the other deities so they would not interfere in their goal of wiping all mortal life for their ideal utopia, saving Earth for last to have the humans suffer an agonizing demise. In the battle that follows, Zamasu and Black provoke Goku into giving the latter a challenge after revealing that Black also killed Chi-Chi and Goten when he acquired his new body and killed the alternate Goku. The two manage to defeat Goku before turning their attention to Future Trunks and Vegeta, both telling the former that his constant meddling in the timeline is the reason for Earth's misfortune. This infuriates Future Trunks, who explodes and transforms into an immensely powerful new Super Saiyan form.

  • s04e61
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e14
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    While Beerus is confident that the death of the present Zamasu has solved the crisis, Future Trunks expresses some skepticism and needs to return to his timeline to see for himself. Future Trunks proceeds to explain to Trunks the nature of alternate timelines while expressing some hope that Beerus's god status might actually averted Black's existence as he is joined by Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma. Once they arrive, the group find nothing has changed as the Saiyans and Bulma regroup with the Resistance as Future Trunks uses a senzu bean to heal Mai. The Saiyans then sense Zamasu and Goku Black approaching and face them, Goku calling Black out as a clone created by Zamasu using the Super Dragon Balls. But Black reveals himself to be Zamasu, explaining that he used the Super Dragon Balls to switch bodies with another version of Goku before killing him.

  • s04e60
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e13
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Whis gifts Gowasu with rice cakes and green tea, apologizing for his group disturbing him and Zamasu as they leave. But Beerus and Whis sensed Zamasu's murderous intention with the group remaining in space to observe him and Gowasu. When Zamasu does murder his master, Whis reverses time to avert the Supreme Kai's death. Furious that his plan was foiled, Zamasu decides to attack Goku before Beerus intervenes and atomizes the Kai. Back on Earth, after being convinced by his younger self to stop feeling bad about himself, Future Trunks learns that the present day Zamasu was destroyed with Beerus assuring him that all future versions of the Kai would also cease to exist regardless of alternate timelines. But in the future, Zamasu and Goku Black are discussing their Project 0 Mortals plan and the irony that it was only possible because of a mortal's power.

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  • s04e59
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55 Sorry, currently no summary available for this episode
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  • s04e12
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Zamasu travels to Master Zuno's planet to force him into tell him about the Super Dragon Balls. At Capsule Corporation, Bulma nurses Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks before Beerus and Whis arrive with Shin, who reveals Zamasu's visit to Zuno. After the deities learn of the group's experience in the future, Whis theorizes that Zamasu used the Super Dragon Balls to create an ally in Goku's form and later an indestructible body. But Beerus points out that there is still the mystery behind Goku Black possessing a Time Ring and his energy matching Zamasu's, Future Trunks proposing that Zamasu might had killed Gowasu to become Supreme Kai and gave Goku Black the Time Ring. Shin takes Goku, Beerus, and Whis to Universe Ten to see if the theory is sound, Beerus keeping Goku from revealing the truth as he makes an inquiry on Zamasu's behavior from Gowasu. Gowasu expresses his apprentice's doubts regarding the role of a Supreme Kai and their relationship with mortals, but felt no need for concern before Zamasu arrives.

  • s04e58
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e11
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Zamasu states himself and Goku Black as 'kindred spirits' desiring an utopia without mortals before attacking Goku, ultimately allowing Black to join the fray as Future Trunks aids Goku. During the battle, Zamasu reveals to have made his body indestructible to all forms of attack while grabbing Goku and Future Trunks so Black can take them out with a Kamehameha. Zamasu and Black decide to finish them off as a badly wounded Vegeta saves Goku and Future Trunks as Future Yajirobe spirits them off a safer location. Before Goku Black and Zamasu are able to finish off Vegeta, Future Mai and the resistance soldiers intervene and rescue Vegeta. Goku and the others return to their timeline using the Time Machine. Future Mai and Future Yajirobe are left behind. Back in the present in the Tenth Universe, the past version of Zamasu sees a recording of the tournament between the Sixth and Seventh Universes and expresses disgust that Goku can harness divine energy. Zamasu also developed an interest in the Super Dragon Balls.

  • s04e57
    • 0.00/5
    8 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e10
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Future Trunks quickly pacifies the resistance fighters by explaining that Goku and Vegeta are allies, reunited with Future Mai as they reach the resistance's new refuge after Goku Black attacked them. Goku spots Future Yajirobe (未来のヤジロベー, Mirai no Yajirobē), who was assumed to have died during the Androids' attack but was saved by a Senzu bean Korin gave him. After beating Goku at Rock-paper-scissors, telling Future Trunks to only observe, Vegeta calls out Black and fights him in Super Saiyan Blue form. But Black's battle with Goku allowed him to fully master his powers as he transforms into a pink-haired form he dubbed Super Saiyan Rosé (超サイヤ人ロゼ, Sūpā Saiya-jin Roze), overpowering Vegeta before critically wounding him with a hand stab. Goku quickly assumes Super Saiyan Blue to fight Black, Vegeta revealing their opponent has an advantage over Goku as well. Just as Black readies a Kamehameha, Zamasu suddenly intervenes and reveals himself as Black's partner while reminding him that he is supposed to kill Goku.

  • s04e56
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e09
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    In the Tenth Universe, Gowasu is unable to change Zamasu's perspective about mortals while his apprentice kills a Babari that attacks them. Gowasu scolds his student and says such behavior goes against his teaching of maintaining the balance between good and evil, Zamasu expresses his view that mortals are evil and their extermination is justice. Back in the Seventh Universe, Whis and Beerus reluctantly heed Zeno's request and summon Goku with instructions to keep quiet about Goku Black and time-traveling. As only Supreme Kais can reach Zeno's palace within minutes, Beerus instructs Whis to let nothing happen to the current Seventh Universe Supreme Kai as Goku learns that a Destroyer can die if their Supreme Kai counterpart is killed. Goku, Whis, and Shin reach Zeno's palace. Zeno says that all he wanted was a friend to play with when he feels like having fun, allowing Goku to leave after he promises to return with a better friend for him to play with. Before Goku leaves, Zeno gives him a button that would summon him. Shortly afterwards, Goku, Beerus, and Whis leave for Earth, where the Time Machine has been repaired. Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks arrive into Future Trunks' alternate timeline. As soon as they arrive, Goku is attacked by the Earth's resistance forces who mistook him for Goku Black.

  • s04e55
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e08
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    While Bulma and her team put the finishing touches to the rebuilt Time Machine, Vegeta decides to test Future Trunks' power to see how strong his son had become and overpowers him in Super Saiyan Blue form. Vegeta is vexed over Future Trunks being content with him and Goku being strong enough to defeat Goku Black, telling his son that Saiyans should continually strive to grow stronger to always prepare for an enemy. On Beerus' planet, Beerus and Whis are about to eat dinner when Zeno contacts them with a request to see Goku. In the Tenth Universe, Gowasu attempts to have Zamasu reconsider his views on mortals by temporary promoting him to Supreme Kai and use a Time Ring to observe the progress of a new race on Planet Babari (惑星ババリ, Wakusei Babari) within a millennia's time.

  • s04e54
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e07
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goku, Beerus, and Whis arrive on the Tenth Universe's World of the Kais (界王神界, Kaiōshin Kai) where they meet the resident Supreme Kai Gowasu (ゴワス) and his apprentice Zamasu (ザマス), who expresses a disdain for mortals. An excited Goku challenges Zamasu to a sparring match, the Kai objects until Gowasu allows it with Beerus advising him to not hold back. Zamasu is baffled at being outmatched against Goku while Beerus and Whis note the Kai's energy being similar to Goku Black's, with Zamasu having no recollection of meeting Goku, and that the Time Rings in Gowasu's possession are accounted for. Goku, Beerus, and Whis return to their universe, unaware their actions only strengthened Zamasu's ideology. On Earth, Krillin introduces Future Trunks to his family, with Android 18 teasing Trunks due to his history with her alternate future self.

  • s04e53
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e06
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    While Bulma and her team are still repairing the Time Machine, Future Trunks finds Piccolo and Krillin mending the damages in the wake of Goku's fight with Goku Black. Future Trunks learns from Piccolo that Gohan had become a scholar and is convinced to properly thank Gohan for his alternate self teaching him to fight. Future Trunks meets Gohan at the university before being invited to Gohan's house for dinner, the experience renewing his resolve to stop Goku Black. Future Trunks returns to the Capsule Corporation, learning that Goku, Beerus, and Whis have left to another universe to investigate the mystery behind Black's energy signature. Almost the end of the episode, a glimpse of a Supreme Kai is shown.

  • s04e52
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e05
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    While Future Trunks is waiting for Bulma to finish the repairs on the Time Capsule, Goku heads off to King Kai's planet to train after Beerus and Whis refused while both being curious about the sense of familiarity from Goku Black's energy. Future Trunks then notices Mai and recognizes her as the past version of the Mai he knew, revealing how Future Mai was a leader of Earth's resistance movement who died fighting to protect the planet. He also mentions Black's ultimate goal is eliminating everything he considers an inferior being. Meanwhile, excited from facing Goku, Black seeks to fight him again to become more accustomed to his body.

  • s04e51
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e04
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goku Black arrives in the past, expressing an interest in fighting Goku and is able to hold his own against his Super Saiyan form while Future Trunks wonders why Goku is holding back. The fight continue until the time distortion caused by the Time Capsule begins to fade, weakening the time tear as Black is being dragged back to the future. But he destroys the Time Machine as his final act in the present, Whis revealing Black used a Time Ring (時の指輪, Toki no yubiwa) that only Supreme Kais possess. But he and Beerus are astonished when Bulma reveals that she kept the other version of Time Machine that Cell used to travel back in time, intending to use her future self's journal to repair it. Just as Black reappears in the future timeline, Future Mai regains consciousness.

  • s04e50
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e03
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goku holds Future Trunks off long enough for Bulma to calm him down, Future Trunks is formally introduced to everyone present while being informed of the events that occurred since the Cell incident. Future Trunks reveals that after he prevented the revival of his timeline's Majin Buu, Goku Black appeared and massacred most of humanity with only him and few remaining people fighting him in a losing battle. Bulma deduces that Future Trunks came back in time to get reinforcements while finding a journal that her future self hid in the Time Capsule, Goku and Vegeta both intrigued while Beerus and Whis are astonished that humans are bold enough to mess with the affairs of time-space. Back in the alternate future, Black realizes Trunks traveled back in time as he uses his ring to open a tear in time to reaches the present as Future Trunks finished his spar with Super Saiyan 3 Goku to determine each other's power.

  • s04e49
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e02
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goku Black (ゴクウブラック, Gokū Burakku) taunts Future Trunks for failing to save his loved ones, provoking the youth to assume Super Saiyan form in a losing battle. But Future Trunks distracts Black with an energy attack long enough to reach the Time Capsule and escape 17 years into the past. Meanwhile, in the present timeline, Trunks is studying in class along with the Pilaf Gang, who were allowed to live in Capsule Corp. During recess, Trunks witnesses the Time Capsule arriving with Future Trunks inside. He immediately calls for his mother, who contacts Vegeta and Goku while Trunks and the Pilaf Gang are confused by the stranger having both Trunks's face and name. Bulma asks Trunks to power up in order for Goku to be able to teleport himself and Vegeta to their location, Whis and Beerus joining in to see what's going on. Vegeta asks Goku to get some Senzu beans. Goku goes to Korin's place to get some Senzu beans. Future Trunks regains consciousness, and attacks Goku upon assuming him to be Black.

  • s04e48
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e01
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goku shows his new farm to Chi-Chi and Goten, tricking Piccolo into a harvesting competition for training until Krillin arrives and accidentally reveals that Vegeta is training with Whis. Goku uses instant transmission to reach Beerus's planet, offering the Destroyer a ball of lettuce while learning that Zeno is not a fighter but has the power to erase entire universes as there had originally been 18 universes instead of the current 12 universes. Meanwhile, in an alternate timeline, Future Trunks is running from a mysterious enemy named Black who is terrorizing his Earth. Trunks meets up with Future Bulma who finally finished preparing the fuel needed for the time machine to make its trip to the past. But Black tracked Trunks to their hideout with Bulma urging her son to leave without her as she is killed soon after. Trunks later meets up with Future Mai, informing her of Bulma's death as they proceed to the ruins of Capsule Corp to reach the time machine. But Black intercepts them en route, seemingly killing Mai when she attempts to distract him so Trunks can reach the time machine. Future Trunks is enraged and looks at Black, revealed to be a Goku look-alike.

  • s04e47
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s04e46
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    9 years ago
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  • s04e45
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    9 years ago
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  • s04e44
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    9 years ago
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  • s04e43
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    9 years ago
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  • s04e42
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e19
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goku and the Duplicate Vegeta are evenly matched as a conflicted Vegeta eventually interfered to criticize both combatants to give it their all. As Goku and the Duplicate Vegeta quickly power up, Potage gives Vegeta the pacifier-like Commeson seal to suck on to buy himself more time, joining Trunks, Goten, and Jaco to find the Duplicate Gryll destroy the Commeson's core to weaken the Duplicate Vegeta. But the Duplicate Gryll revealed to his original state and chases them back to Vegeta as he tries to reach Trunks. Monaka accidentally steps on Commeson's core behind him, which damages it along with the Duplicate Vegeta. Potage notes that even though the core was destroyed, time has run out. Vegeta is disappearing. Realizing this is his last chance, Goku destroys the Duplicate Vegeta with the real Vegeta restored. Potage reseals the coreless Commeson. Goku thanks Monaka for his help and says that he would have been lost the match if it were not for him. With Po-tau-feu saved and the threat destroyed, Goku and the others return to Earth. Meanwhile, in an annihilated alternate timeline, Future Trunks looks to destroy a new threat that has been terrorizing his world.

  • s03e46
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e45
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    9 years ago
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  • s03e18
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    A powerless Vegeta is forced to escape with the others from the Vegeta duplicate and Gryll, Potage revealing the two to be extensions of a rogue bio-weapon called Commeson (コメソン, Komeson), which established the Superhuman Water legend by assuming the form and personalities of invaders that led to going berserk. The group also learn from Potage that the original will disappear once cloned, as was the case of the real Gryll and his men, unless the duplicate is destroyed in time. Goten and Trunks attempt to destroy the Duplicate Vegeta as Gotenks before Goku senses them in dangers comes to their aid. As the Duplicate Vegeta acquired Vegeta's personality as a side effect, he fights his Commeson nature and dispatches the Duplicate Gryll so he can fight Goku.

  • s03e44
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e17
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    While Monaka delivers a package to Bulma, Goten and Trunks sneak into his delivery truck and are accidentally taken to Planet Po-tau-feu where they encounter a group of space bandits are led by a teal humanoid called Gryll (グリル, Guriru) attempt to steal a key to a treasure Superhuman Water (超人水, Chōjin Mizu) from an elder named Potage (ポタジ, Potaji). By the time Vegeta and Jaco reach Po-tau-feu, they find the boys, Monaka and Potage fleeing from purple-skinned versions of Gryll's men which Vegeta dispatches. But the figures turn into a liquid that engulfs Vegeta and spits him out before assuming Vegeta's form

  • s03e43
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e16
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Due to over exerting himself from using the Kaiō-ken technique against Hit, Goku has problems controlling his energy and is forced to take break to regain his strength. While Gohan and Videl are out, Goku and his family babysit Pan with the infant being fascinated with the stars. That morning, the Pilaf Gang attempt take advantage of Goku's powerless state with a giant robot, but they end up unintentionally stealing Pan while their robot turns into a ship that they accidentally launch them into the stratosphere. The pressure from the launch destroys their ship, but Pan is able to fly back home with her captives in tow. On their way home, Goku's family is relieved to find Pan even though they remain ignorant of her exploits.

  • s03e42
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e15
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Bulma holds a celebration party at the Capsule Corporation following the tournament, with Beerus lying to her about relaying the invitation to Monaka as he and Whis know Goku would want to fight Monaka if he were to attend. But Monaka does attend due to Jaco making an order to the former's delivery company, forcing Beerus to come clean about Monaka while threatening the others to hide this from Goku. When Goku does arrive, Goten and Trunks suggest that Beerus disguise himself in a Monaka costume to fight Goku. Beerus agrees to the plan, the fight eventually ended by Whis and Pu'ar disguised as Beerus. With Goku none the wiser, everyone carries on with the festivities.

  • s03e41
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e14
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    While appearing because of the Destroyers' conduct, Grand Zeno expressed enough interest in their tournament to organize one for all twelve universes with the other deities unnerved by Goku causally approaching the Omni-King. Champa proceeds to return to his universe to train his team the upcoming tournament. Beerus asks Bulma to find the seventh Super Dragon Ball with her tracker, with deductive reasoning provided by Android 18 and Monaka revealing that it is the planet they are on. Once Bulma provides the incantation, with the wish made in the Divine Language, Whis summons Super Shenron (スーパーシェンロン, Chāo Shénlóng) with Beerus secretly wishing for the restoration of the Sixth Universe's Earth. Vados informs Champa what Beerus wished for. Whis leaves Beerus and Monaka on Beerus' planet and departs for Earth. Monaka is then revealed to be an ordinary mail delivery man and aspiring fighter, Beerus awarding Monaka for his help motivating Goku and Vegeta. Goku, Vegeta, and the others from Earth return home.

  • s03e40
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e13
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goku and Hit reach a stalemate as they resolve not to fight for the Destroyers' whims, Goku requesting that for the rules to be waived so Hit can freely use his assassination techniques. Champa and Beerus argue over this decision before Goku jumps out of the ring in response to Beerus's refusal to remove the rules, revealing that he was at his limit of using Kaiō-ken. Shortly afterwards, a frightened Monaka faces Hit, who takes a dive to repay Goku for enabling him to surpass his limits the Universe Seven team declared the winners. Just as the festivities are about to conclude while Champa gives his team death threats, Grand Zenō (全王), a mysterious 'King of Universes', appears in the ring.

  • s03e39
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e12
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    While Goku manages to counter Hit's time-skip attacks, the displeased Hit fakes a power up while revealing that Goku inspired him to increase the duration of his time-skip to a second to inflict enough blows to force Goku on ground. Champa tells Hit to finish off Goku, but Hit refuses to obey his order out of respect for Goku. Goku manages to get back on his feet, and the two resume their fight. Goku is soon backed into a corner and resorts to using a move he intended to use on Beerus: using the Kaiō-ken technique while in Super Saiyan Blue form to greatly increase his strength and speed. Having powered up, Goku begins pummeling and blasting Hit, who manages to evade most of the attacks with ease.

  • s03e38
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e11
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Vegeta and Hit start their battle, the former finding himself unable to land a single blow on Hit due to his superior speed. Eventually, Vegeta is struck by a heavy blow and collapses with Hit declared the winner. Suddenly, it is revealed that Hit used a technique called 'time-skip', which freezes a tenth of a second for everyone but himself. Goku walks up to battle Hit. Initially, Hit overpowers Goku, which prompts him to ask Goku to surrender. Goku refuses and reveals he's been using the time to figure out how Hit's technique works, predicting and evading his opponent's moves. Hit claims that Goku's foresight was just a fluke and that he will not be able to use it again. But Goku is able to foresee Hit's attacks and defend himself. Goku proposes that both of them fight at their full power. Hit concurs and withdraws. Shortly afterwards, both start preparing for their next fight.

  • s03e37
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e10
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Vegeta faces a young Sixth Universe Saiyan Cabba (キャベ), his people being benevolent galactic protectors. Vegeta and Cabba are initially equally matched, the latter revealing his inability to become a Super Saiyan and requesting Vegeta to teach him. This seemingly enrages Vegeta as he assumes his Super Saiyan to mercilessly beat Cabba to an inch of his life while threatening to kill everyone he holds dear if he loses. This provokes Cabba to awaken his Super Saiyan form as he goes on the offensive, only to learn that Vegeta was purposely provoking him into channeling his anger. Vegeta quickly powers up into Super Saiyan Blue to display what Cabba could achieve before knocking him out. Though Cabba thanks Vegeta for telling him about his untapped potential, he brushes him off and tells the youth to forget his Saiyan pride and surpass all others. Cabba acknowledges Vegeta's advice and walks off the stage. With Universe Six now down to their last fighter, Champa is still unconcerned as he is certain his Hit will settle the score in their favor despite learning what the assassin requested as his reward.

  • s03e36
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e09
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Vegeta struggles in his battle with Magetta due to both the rising temperatures and the lack of oxygen above the ring. Vegeta tries to win quickly, but Magetta endures and counters his attacks. Magetta follows it with a punch that sends Vegeta flying toward the ground. After nearly being disqualified through by going out of bounds, Vegeta powers up in anger and destroys the arena's barrier. He blasts Magetta and forces him to the very edge of the stage, managing to only succeed as Magetta's species is revealed to be very sensitive to hurtful insults.

  • s03e35
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e08
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    After Frost arrogantly announces his intent to utterly defeat Vegeta with poison, both parties agree that the match should not be regulated by the standard rules so both combatants can fight to kill. This ends up with Frost mercilessly defeated and knocked out of the ring by Vegeta, who refuses to lower himself by killing Frost. Beerus then proceeds to have Goku reinstated into the competition after finding where Frost's weapon got him, insisting the Saiyan goes after Monaka with a hushed remark from Whis concerning Monaka's 'true colors'. Vados generates a new barrier around the ring as the referee announces a new rule, where any contact an individual makes with the barrier automatically disqualifies them. Meanwhile, Frost attempts to steal the treasure Champa promised the team and escape in Champa's transportation cube, but is knocked out by the assassin Hit (ヒット, Hitto) and brought back to the arena. The next match begins. Vegeta faces off against the robot-like alien Magetta (マゲッタ), with the audience disputing over Magetta's eligibility over spitting lava. Magetta is declared eligible because the lava is just his saliva. Magetta's volcanic fumes engulf the barrier and cause Vegeta to perspire rapidly and breathe heavily from the extreme heat.

  • s03e34
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e07
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    With Goku removed from the tournament, Piccolo faces Frost next and charges up his Special Beam Cannon while simultaneously evading Frost's attacks. To buy himself time to charge his attack, Piccolo creates clones of himself to distract Frost. Frost quickly disposes of decoys and charges at Piccolo. After a bout of close combat, Frost defeats Piccolo with a power blast. Before the referee could rule in Frost's favor, Jaco chimes in claiming that Frost had been cheating all along. The referee examines Frost and finds that he had been using an illegal item hidden in his gauntlet to drug his opponents into a temporary stupor. Champa is initially outraged to find that Frost had cheated. Vados reveals that Frost actually runs a criminal empire with the latter confessing that he set up the attacks on the planets he saved. Although Piccolo is declared the winner and Frost is disqualified, Vegeta reverses it to fight Frost.

  • s03e33
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e06
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    The fight between Goku and Botamo commences. Goku takes a while to warm up due to having overeaten during the trip. Although Goku seems faster and more well trained than Botamo, none of the hits that he lands seem to have an effect. Botamo seems content to simply take the punishment. Urged by Vegeta to think before he acts, Goku drags Botamo to the side of the ring and throws him out. This results in a win for Universe Seven. The next match begins almost immediately with Goku facing the Frieza-like combatant Frost (フロスト, Furosuto). In direct contrast to Frieza, Frost is a kind and beloved hero in the Sixth Universe who looks forward to a challenge. Goku surprises Frost with knowledge of his transformations while asking him to assume his final form, Frost attempting to hold back by assuming his third form. But Goku sees through the deception and assumes Super Saiyan form to have Frost accept his request. Frost seems greatly outmatched by Goku even in his final transformation until a strange effect comes over the Saiyan, allowing Frost the chance to knock Goku out of the ring to his friends' shock.

  • s03e32
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e05
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    On Earth, everyone gathers for the trip to the tournament. Goku and Vegeta arrive after having trained in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for three years. After stopping at Beerus' planet to get both him and Monaka, everyone proceeds to go to the tournament. The group meets their competition who are all somewhat unusual. This includes a Saiyan with a radically different history and a fighter resembling Frieza. After the written test, the Universe Seven team is left one team member down because Majin Buu falls asleep and is disqualified. Beerus decides that Monaka will go last. After a round of rock-paper-scissors, it is decided that Goku will fight first, followed by Piccolo, and then Vegeta. Goku and his competitor, a large bear-like creature named Botamo (ボタモ), enter the tournament ring.

  • s03e31
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e04
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Initially refusing to help Bulma after forcing him to come to Earth, Jaco suggests inquiring about the Super Dragon Ball from an omniscient alien named Master Zunō (ズノー様, Zunō-sama). After arriving on Master Zunō's planet, Jaco failing to mention the seven-year waiting period, the duo encounter a spacefaring criminal named Burpman (ゲップマン, Geppuman), who is wanted by the Galactic Patrol for multiple dine and dash crimes. Having accidentally destroyed a monument and pinning the blame on Burpman, Jaco eventually decides to arrest the criminal so he and Bulma can take his spot and seek Master Zunō's advice right away. While Bulma unwittingly wasted two of her three questions, she learns the radius and other properties of the Super Dragon Balls as well as that they were formerly scattered across both the Sixth and Seventh Universes.

  • s03e30
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e03
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goku and Vegeta meet up with Krillin, who goes with them to recruit Majin Buu as the fourth combatant of the Universe Seven team. Although Majin Buu is reluctant due to his hatred of Beerus, he agrees when Goku promises him a wish from the Super Dragon Balls, which he plans on giving to Mr. Satan. Goten and Trunks try to join, but they are denied by Vegeta because their use of fusion is illegal. The group finds Piccolo training with Gohan, recruiting him as their final member. Gohan considers joining the team, but he cannot participate due to a business meeting on the day of the tournament. Beerus and the others think back over recent events. Beerus and Whis contemplate the intentions behind Champa's plans as well as their own interests in Goku, recapping from their first encounter with the Saiyan to Frieza's demise.

  • s03e29
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e02
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Champa decides to host the tournament on a vacated nameless planet located between the Sixth and Seventh Universes, Goku proposing using rules similar to Earth's Tenkaichi Budokai with Vegeta recommends a written exam be implemented in order to prevent anyone unable to follow the rules from participating. The tournament is scheduled to begin five days as Champa has Vados proceeds to set up the arena with a breathable atmosphere. After judging Whis' students, Champa decides to enlist a Saiyan of his universe. On Earth, Whis requests that Bulma use her Dragon Radar in order to obtain the final Super Dragon Ball. While Bulma believes it would be easier to simply summon Shenron to locate it instead, the dragon reveals the task to be beyond his power. Beerus and Whis then take their leave to have Goku and Vegeta recruit two members for their team, the form revealing his intent to recruit a powerful fighter named Monaka (モナカ). After Bulma finishes constructing the Super Dragon Radar the following morning, she takes Beerus's banter seriously and intends to collect the Super Dragon Balls before the Destroyer could use them to wish for total annihilation of the entire world.

  • s03e28
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s03e01
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Goku and Vegeta continue their rigorous training before being chased by an enraged Beerus, whose awakening was caused by Champa and Vados abruptly arrive on Beerus' planet. After a small skirmish between Beerus and Champa, everyone settles down to eat some food with Champa formally introduced as Beerus' twin brother and Vados as Whis' older sister. An argument erupts concerning which universe's food is superior, with Whis explaining to Goku and Vegeta there are eleven universes besides their reality: The Seventh Universe. Whis adds that both the Seventh and Sixth Universes complement each other as their designated numbers add to thirteen. After Vados discovers that Universe Six's Earth has been destroyed through warfare, Champa proposes a tournament with Beerus with the winner allowed to swap Earths. Beerus protests until Champa reveals the feat is possible with the Super Dragon Balls, which the Namekian Dragon Balls were trimmed from, possessing six of them. Goku informs Beerus and Champa that Bulma is capable of locating the final Super Dragon Ball necessary to perform the wish. With tensions mounting, Beerus accepts Champa's proposal.

  • s02e27
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s02e13
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Frieza and Goku continue their protracted battle with Frieza landing more blows on Goku than can be returned. Unable to match Frieza's raw power, Goku manages to withstand and dodge Frieza's attacks. Goku and Vegeta notice that Frieza is progressively losing stamina and that his power level is dropping. Frieza himself fails to notice this. Vegeta urges Goku to quickly finish Frieza off before he has a chance to recover, or he will step up and do so himself. After Goku and Frieza exchange some sarcastic banter, they power up again and continue their fight. Frieza still has the upper hand, but Goku realizes he only needs to stall Frieza long enough for his weakness to reappear. After a fully powered Frieza unleashes a barrage of attacks, he quickly becomes tired and starts running out of breath Frieza's attacks no longer hurt Goku. Frieza finally realizes his weakness, which is a lack of endurance. His Golden form exhausts more energy than he can produce. Goku explains this is because Frieza rushed to Earth immediately after achieving the Golden form without giving himself enough time to master it. Frieza agonizes over his failed chance at revenge in combat, but mouths a few inaudible words to Sorbet for assistance. Goku tells Frieza to leave Earth, while he still can do so. Everyone is surprised to see a laser beam pierce Goku's chest from behind, which was fired from Sorbet's ray gun. Stomping on Goku's chest wound to make him scream, Frieza gloats about his backup strategy to have Goku let his guard down. Frieza mocks him by claiming Goku's overconfidence prevents him from being the strongest fighter. Before Frieza can unleash his killing shot on Goku, Vegeta fires at Frieza and announces that it is his turn to fight.

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  • s02e26
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s02e12
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    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Frieza and Goku continue their protracted battle with Frieza landing more blows on Goku than can be returned. Unable to match Frieza's raw power, Goku manages to withstand and dodge Frieza's attacks. Goku and Vegeta notice that Frieza is progressively losing stamina and that his power level is dropping. Frieza himself fails to notice this. Vegeta urges Goku to quickly finish Frieza off before he has a chance to recover, or he will step up and do so himself. After Goku and Frieza exchange some sarcastic banter, they power up again and continue their fight. Frieza still has the upper hand, but Goku realizes he only needs to stall Frieza long enough for his weakness to reappear. After a fully powered Frieza unleashes a barrage of attacks, he quickly becomes tired and starts running out of breath Frieza's attacks no longer hurt Goku. Frieza finally realizes his weakness, which is a lack of endurance. His Golden form exhausts more energy than he can produce. Goku explains this is because Frieza rushed to Earth immediately after achieving the Golden form without giving himself enough time to master it. Frieza agonizes over his failed chance at revenge in combat, but mouths a few inaudible words to Sorbet for assistance. Goku tells Frieza to leave Earth, while he still can do so. Everyone is surprised to see a laser beam pierce Goku's chest from behind, which was fired from Sorbet's ray gun. Stomping on Goku's chest wound to make him scream, Frieza gloats about his backup strategy to have Goku let his guard down. Frieza mocks him by claiming Goku's overconfidence prevents him from being the strongest fighter. Before Frieza can unleash his killing shot on Goku, Vegeta fires at Frieza and announces that it is his turn to fight.

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  • s02e25
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s02e11
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    After testing Goku's new transformation, which Goku explains is a Super Saiyan equivalent to a Super Saiyan God, Frieza unveils his new Golden Frieza form. After expressing how impressed they are by each other's progress, Goku and Frieza engage in a fierce battle. Meanwhile, Whis informs Bulma of their arrival on Earth in a few minutes but he and Beerus stop midway aupon encountering Universe Six's Destroyer Champa (シャンパ, Shanpa) and his attendant Vados (ヴァドス, Vadosu). After having a short conversation with Champa and Vados, Beerus and Whis finally arrive on the battlefield. While eating Bulma's delicious dessert, Beerus and Whis acknowledge that Frieza has indeed become significantly stronger and that Goku seems to have a tough time keeping up with Golden Frieza. Still not used to his newest form, Goku struggles to keep up with Golden Frieza's speed and prowess, eventually getting pummeled into the ground.

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  • s02e24
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s02e10
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    The battle between Goku and Frieza begins. They fight on even ground, with neither one able to inflict significant damage to the other. Frieza resorts to attacking Krillin and Bulma. Goku tries to save them and is caught off guard when Frieza lands several blows on him. Eventually lashing out at Goku, Vegeta intervenes out of impatience for the fighters' constant rambling and holding back their full power. Goku takes Vegeta's request into account and convinces Frieza to power up to his maximum. When Frieza calls out to Goku to show his full power, Goku transforms on his own into a new version of a Super Saiyan God.

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  • s02e23
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s02e09
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Piccolo takes Frieza's attack to save Gohan and dies in the process. On Beerus' planet, Beerus has developed an obsession for pizza and becomes furious when he learns that Goku and Vegeta ate the reserve pizzas Whis stored in his pocket dimension. Whis telepathically responds to Bulma's invitation for a strawberry sundae and relays her message of Frieza's revival and Piccolo's death to Goku and Vegeta. As Whis says it would take some time to reach Earth, Goku resorts to instant transmission on Beerus' advice, but realizes that instant transmission is impossible due to the large distance between Earth and Beerus' planet and the need to find a potent enough energy signature to pinpoint. On Earth, Gohan powers up to his maximum limit to give his father an energy source for instant transmission. Goku and Vegeta arrive on Earth in the nick of time to save Gohan, upon which Vegeta promptly executes Ginyu. As Goku and Frieza meet after a long time, Frieza transforms directly into his final form to demonstrate his new power. This results in the death of all his men except for Sorbet, who is at a considerable distance. Perplexed by Frieza's new power, Goku prepares to engage in a battle.

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  • s02e22
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s02e08
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Tagoma powers up and confidently approaches his opponents. Piccolo is instantly outmatched. Gohan blasts Tagoma, which causes him to fly several yards away. As the dust settles, Tagoma reveals himself to be unharmed as he gloats that the punished he endured from sparring with Frieza made him invulnerable. Gotenks suddenly arrives and headbutts Tagoma below the belt before splitting back into Goten and Trunks, with Frieza assuming the latter to be Future Trunk's son. At that moment, Captain Ginyu exploits Tagoma's moment of weakness to trick him into setting off his signature body swap ability. After venting his own ordeal, Ginyu is able to quickly adjust to his new body's immense power and overpowers everyone simultaneously. Bulma, Trunks, and Goten attempt to contact Whis, which bewilders Jaco. While fighting Gohan, Ginyu appears to have the upper hand until Gohan transforms into a Super Saiyan and defeats him. When Gohan shows mercy to Ginyu, Frieza becomes enraged and explains that Gohan showing mercy on Ginyu reminds him of how he himself was spared by Goku and fires multiple Death Beams at Gohan. Before Frieza can kill Gohan, Piccolo steps in to save him.

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  • s02e21
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s02e07
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Frieza and his army arrive on Earth, where Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Master Roshi, Tien, and Jaco have assembled to hold out until Goku and Vegeta return. Frieza says that he has waited a long time to have his revenge and that he wishes to face Goku. Seeing that he is not present to help, Frieza orders his army to attack the Earthlings, and they proves to be no match for the fighters - even Krillin, who had given up fighting. Disappointed with his lackluster army, Frieza orders Sorbet to send in his elite soldier Shisami (シサミ) to take out Gohan. Suddenly, Tagoma fires a beam at Shisami and Gohan, which kills the former and badly injures the latter. Sorbet is surprised by Tagoma's newfound power, which he had achieved through training with Frieza. Frieza promises Tagoma the command of his army if he takes out the Earthlings. He accepts and prepares to fight the Earthlings. Meanwhile, Goku and Vegeta are oblivious to what is happening on Earth as Whis sends them to train in a pocket dimension at Beerus's command.

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  • s02e20
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s02e06
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Once restored, revealing his horrific ordeal in Hell, Frieza desires revenge against Goku and Future Trunks. Tagoma objects to Frieza's plans, but Frieza promptly subdues him. When Frieza finds out that Goku has gotten much stronger since they last met, he decides to train in order to become more powerful. Since Frieza's power was inborn, he reveals that he had never felt the need to train a day in his life before now. Four months pass before Frieza and his army head for Earth. All the while, Goku and Vegeta continue their training under Whis. Jaco the Galactic Patrolman travels to Earth to inform Bulma that Frieza has been revived and is approaching Earth with an army of one thousand soldiers. With the Frieza Force fast approaching, Bulma gathers the remaining fighters to fight Frieza's army in hopes of holding out until Goku and Vegeta make it back to Earth.

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  • s02e19
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s02e05
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Goku and Vegeta continue their training under Whis on Beerus' planet. Meanwhile, Sorbet is unable to find New Namek and thus he and his assistant Tagoma (タゴマ) depart for Earth to use its Dragon Balls instead to resurrect their leader Frieza. They run into the Pilaf Gang, who had collected all seven Dragon Balls just before their arrival. Sorbet coerces Pilaf into summoning Shenron, who explains that reviving Frieza would be futile as his body was cut in pieces when Future Trunks killed him. Sorbet insists after Tagoma suggests using their advanced healing technology to restore Frieza; the two collect Frieza's pieces and return to their ship as Mai and Shu have used up the remaining wishes. Frieza is completely regenerated shortly afterwards.

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  • s02e18
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s02e04
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Goku and Whis arrive on Beerus' planet, where Vegeta is tasked with housekeeping. Goku is surprised to learn that Vegeta has gotten considerably stronger training under Whis. Goku wants to start his training right away, but learns that he and Vegeta must first carry out some house chores that include changing Beerus' bed sheets without waking him up. When the actually training occurs, it quickly wears Goku out as he falls asleep while Vegeta continues. The next day, Whis decides to have a sparring match with his apprentices in order to gauge their speed. The two prove to be no match for Whis., and both are too slow to land a single hit on Whis. Somewhere in space, surviving members of Frieza's army are led by Sorbet. They continue their efforts of resurrecting their leader. Not far off, mysterious beings similar to Beerus and Whis have destroyed a planet in search of something.

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  • s02e17
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Pan has been born. While most of her family members and friends think that she should be taught martial arts, Chi-Chi is revolted by the very idea. She believes that Pan should be raised to be a lady and not a mindless fighter like her grandfather Goku. Everyone tries to persuade Chi-Chi to change her mind but to no avail. Bulma accidentally mentions that Vegeta has been away training with Whis for six months, which shocks Goku. After some time, Whis returns to Earth to enjoy more of the food Earth has to offer. Goku approaches Whis and asks to become his pupil. Whis accepts, thinking it is the perfect time for Goku to join Vegeta in training. Just as the two are about to depart, Chi-Chi runs up and stops Goku from leaving. Despite her wishes, Goku ends up leaving with Whis. Chi-Chi then has a sudden change of heart, saying that Goku will return once he gets hungry anyway.

  • s02e03
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Pan has been born. While most of her family members and friends think that she should be taught martial arts, Chi-Chi is revolted by the very idea. She believes that Pan should be raised to be a lady and not a mindless fighter like her grandfather Goku. Everyone tries to persuade Chi-Chi to change her mind but to no avail. Bulma accidentally mentions that Vegeta has been away training with Whis for six months, which shocks Goku. After some time, Whis returns to Earth to enjoy more of the food Earth has to offer. Goku approaches Whis and asks to become his pupil. Whis accepts, thinking it is the perfect time for Goku to join Vegeta in training. Just as the two are about to depart, Chi-Chi runs up and stops Goku from leaving. Despite her wishes, Goku ends up leaving with Whis. Chi-Chi then has a sudden change of heart, saying that Goku will return once he gets hungry anyway.

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  • s02e16
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Chi-Chi still has Goku doing work out on the farm. Instead of working, however, Goku decides to rest and falls asleep. Krillin flies in and wakes up Goku. Krillin is very surprised to hear that Goku is still on Earth and not training with King Kai. He reminisces about his training with Goku under Kame-Sennin and the power level difference between them since they were children. Curious to see how large the gap is, Krillin tells Goku to punch him with all his power. Reluctant Goku tries to change Krillin's mind, but Krillin insists. Goku obeys and punches Krillin, sending him flying into a boulder. Shortly afterwards, Goku heads home, while Android 18 attends to Krillin's wounds. Krillin states that he misses martial arts and wishes to start training again. Meanwhile, Vegeta is seen in the wastelands standing determined. He states his intent to surpass Goku without the aid of others. Elsewhere, Whis and Bulma are having lunch together. Whis is enjoying all the food Bulma is having her chef make. While they dine, Bulma asks Whis to protect Earth from Beerus in case he ever shows up again. Vegeta arrives and sees Whis. He asks Whis to see Beerus, but Whis refuses to do so. Whis tells Vegeta that he is Beerus' teacher and that, with the proper tutelage, he could one day surpass Goku. Vegeta bows and kneels before Whis and begs to become his student. An unimpressed Whis walks past him. Vegeta decides to convince Whis by giving him the tastiest food on Earth. After several failed attempts, Vegeta finally impresses Whis with a cup of instant noodle. Before Vegeta heads off with Whis to Beerus' planet, Bulma hands him new armor. They arrive at Beerus' planet shortly afterwards and prepare to train.

  • s02e02
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Chi-Chi still has Goku doing work out on the farm. Instead of working, however, Goku decides to rest and falls asleep. Krillin flies in and wakes up Goku. Krillin is very surprised to hear that Goku is still on Earth and not training with King Kai. He reminisces about his training with Goku under Kame-Sennin and the power level difference between them since they were children. Curious to see how large the gap is, Krillin tells Goku to punch him with all his power. Reluctant Goku tries to change Krillin's mind, but Krillin insists. Goku obeys and punches Krillin, sending him flying into a boulder. Shortly afterwards, Goku heads home, while Android 18 attends to Krillin's wounds. Krillin states that he misses martial arts and wishes to start training again. Meanwhile, Vegeta is seen in the wastelands standing determined. He states his intent to surpass Goku without the aid of others. Elsewhere, Whis and Bulma are having lunch together. Whis is enjoying all the food Bulma is having her chef make. While they dine, Bulma asks Whis to protect Earth from Beerus in case he ever shows up again. Vegeta arrives and sees Whis. He asks Whis to see Beerus, but Whis refuses to do so. Whis tells Vegeta that he is Beerus' teacher and that, with the proper tutelage, he could one day surpass Goku. Vegeta bows and kneels before Whis and begs to become his student. An unimpressed Whis walks past him. Vegeta decides to convince Whis by giving him the tastiest food on Earth. After several failed attempts, Vegeta finally impresses Whis with a cup of instant noodle. Before Vegeta heads off with Whis to Beerus' planet, Bulma hands him new armor. They arrive at Beerus' planet shortly afterwards and prepare to train.

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  • s02e15
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    With Earth no longer in danger, Goku and the others return to their ordinary lives. Chi-Chi orders Goku to leave training behind and find a job so he can support the family. Meanwhile, Mr. Satan's self-promotion goes awry when a group of aliens land in the city. The aliens reveal that they are ambassadors who wish to thank and reward whoever defeated Beerus; thus protecting their planet from destruction. Before he is given the reward, however, Mr. Satan is asked to demonstrate his godlike power against the alien's mightiest champion in a sparring match. Knowing that he does not stand a chance, Mr. Satan quickly scampers away to safety and calls for help, but no one answers him. Suddenly, Goku arrives at the scene in need of Mr. Satan's help. Mr. Satan arranges to have Goku fight in his stead. Just before the fight, however, Goku spots Chi-Chi and immediately runs away to avoid being scolded for disobeying her. Mr. Satan is left to confront the alien champion on his own. Suddenly, the aliens spot Mr. Satan's dog and run away in fear. With the aliens gone, the crowd praise Mr. Satan who they think saved them and Earth yet again.

  • s02e01
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    With Earth no longer in danger, Goku and the others return to their ordinary lives. Chi-Chi orders Goku to leave training behind and find a job so he can support the family. Meanwhile, Mr. Satan's self-promotion goes awry when a group of aliens land in the city. The aliens reveal that they are ambassadors who wish to thank and reward whoever defeated Beerus; thus protecting their planet from destruction. Before he is given the reward, however, Mr. Satan is asked to demonstrate his godlike power against the alien's mightiest champion in a sparring match. Knowing that he does not stand a chance, Mr. Satan quickly scampers away to safety and calls for help, but no one answers him. Suddenly, Goku arrives at the scene in need of Mr. Satan's help. Mr. Satan arranges to have Goku fight in his stead. Just before the fight, however, Goku spots Chi-Chi and immediately runs away to avoid being scolded for disobeying her. Mr. Satan is left to confront the alien champion on his own. Suddenly, the aliens spot Mr. Satan's dog and run away in fear. With the aliens gone, the crowd praise Mr. Satan who they think saved them and Earth yet again.

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  • s01e45
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s01e44
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s01e43
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e42
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e41
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e40
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e39
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s01e38
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s01e37
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s01e36
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e35
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e34
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s01e33
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e32
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e31
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e30
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e29
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e28
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e27
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e26
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e25
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e24
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e23
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e22
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s01e21
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s01e20
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
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  • s01e19
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s01e18
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
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  • s01e17
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Pan has been born. While most of her family members and friends think that she should be taught martial arts, Chi-Chi is revolted by the very idea. She believes that Pan should be raised to be a lady and not a mindless fighter like her grandfather Goku. Everyone tries to persuade Chi-Chi to change her mind but to no avail. Bulma accidentally mentions that Vegeta has been away training with Whis for six months, which shocks Goku. After some time, Whis returns to Earth to enjoy more of the food Earth has to offer. Goku approaches Whis and asks to become his pupil. Whis accepts, thinking it is the perfect time for Goku to join Vegeta in training. Just as the two are about to depart, Chi-Chi runs up and stops Goku from leaving. Despite her wishes, Goku ends up leaving with Whis. Chi-Chi then has a sudden change of heart, saying that Goku will return once he gets hungry anyway.

  • s01e16
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    Chi-Chi still has Goku doing work out on the farm. Instead of working, however, Goku decides to rest and falls asleep. Krillin flies in and wakes up Goku. Krillin is very surprised to hear that Goku is still on Earth and not training with King Kai. He reminisces about his training with Goku under Kame-Sennin and the power level difference between them since they were children. Curious to see how large the gap is, Krillin tells Goku to punch him with all his power. Reluctant Goku tries to change Krillin's mind, but Krillin insists. Goku obeys and punches Krillin, sending him flying into a boulder. Shortly afterwards, Goku heads home, while Android 18 attends to Krillin's wounds. Krillin states that he misses martial arts and wishes to start training again. Meanwhile, Vegeta is seen in the wastelands standing determined. He states his intent to surpass Goku without the aid of others. Elsewhere, Whis and Bulma are having lunch together. Whis is enjoying all the food Bulma is having her chef make. While they dine, Bulma asks Whis to protect Earth from Beerus in case he ever shows up again. Vegeta arrives and sees Whis. He asks Whis to see Beerus, but Whis refuses to do so. Whis tells Vegeta that he is Beerus' teacher and that, with the proper tutelage, he could one day surpass Goku. Vegeta bows and kneels before Whis and begs to become his student. An unimpressed Whis walks past him. Vegeta decides to convince Whis by giving him the tastiest food on Earth. After several failed attempts, Vegeta finally impresses Whis with a cup of instant noodle. Before Vegeta heads off with Whis to Beerus' planet, Bulma hands him new armor. They arrive at Beerus' planet shortly afterwards and prepare to train.

  • s01e15
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30

    With Earth no longer in danger, Goku and the others return to their ordinary lives. Chi-Chi orders Goku to leave training behind and find a job so he can support the family. Meanwhile, Mr. Satan's self-promotion goes awry when a group of aliens land in the city. The aliens reveal that they are ambassadors who wish to thank and reward whoever defeated Beerus; thus protecting their planet from destruction. Before he is given the reward, however, Mr. Satan is asked to demonstrate his godlike power against the alien's mightiest champion in a sparring match. Knowing that he does not stand a chance, Mr. Satan quickly scampers away to safety and calls for help, but no one answers him. Suddenly, Goku arrives at the scene in need of Mr. Satan's help. Mr. Satan arranges to have Goku fight in his stead. Just before the fight, however, Goku spots Chi-Chi and immediately runs away to avoid being scolded for disobeying her. Mr. Satan is left to confront the alien champion on his own. Suddenly, the aliens spot Mr. Satan's dog and run away in fear. With the aliens gone, the crowd praise Mr. Satan who they think saved them and Earth yet again.

  • s01e14
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Now with only a Super Saiyan form at his disposal, Goku powers up and attacks but to no avail as Beerus knocks him out effortlessly. With Goku knocked out, Beerus prepares to destroy Earth. In a final effort to stop Beerus, Goku once again powers up and charges his Kamehameha attack. Goku manages to prevent Beerus' attack, but he completely depletes what was left of his energy in the process. He comes crashing down to Earth onto Bulma's ship, where Vegeta manages to catch him. Beerus lands on the planet shortly after to finish what he started, but he suddenly falls asleep. Whis explains that Goku must have tired Beerus out and that by the time he wakes up he will have forgotten about their trip to Earth. Beerus who was faking his sudden sleep spell and Whis leave for Beerus' planet shortly after. With Earth safe again, Goku decides to relax and enjoy the party.

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  • s01e13
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    The Kaiō-shin are surprised that the Universe is still intact following the battle, but they fear the worst is still to come. On Earth, Vegeta, Whis, and the others are still standing by, watching the battle. Whis is surprised by the Super Saiyan God's power and its ability to keep up with his trainee. In space, Goku struggles to keep up with Beerus' attack, which ultimately ends up in a massive explosion, blinding everyone on Earth. Shortly after, the light clears out, revealing everything to be as it was prior to the explosion. Beerus explains that he used his full power to negate the explosion, thereby saving the Universe. Seeing it as a perfect opportunity to boast, Mr. Satan arranges to have him be falsely credited with saving the planet yet again. Despite being at his limit, Goku remains calm, which annoys the God of Destruction. Beerus thinks Goku might have a strategy that he has been hiding which Goku promptly denies, saying that everything he had been doing was improvised as they fought. The Gods quickly power up and continue fighting, but this time, both at their limit. However, as soon as they start, Goku loses his Super Saiyan God aura, reverting to the ordinary Super Saiyan form. Upon noticing that, Beerus decides to quit, thinking it is pointless to fight an ordinary Saiyan. Goku, however, does not notice and keeps going at it. Able to sense Goku's energy, Whis assumes that the battle has concluded and that Goku lost, but Piccolo begs to differ. Surprised that Goku is still able to hit him even after losing his God form, Beerus surmises that Goku's body has adjusted to the Super Saiyan God power, making him stronger in his ordinary form. Goku proclaims that, with or without the Super Saiyan God form, it is still him that Beerus is up against, and the two resume their battle.

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  • s01e12
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Goku and Beerus continue to fight in space. As both of them power up and clash, the universe begins to crumble under the power of the gods. Celestial bodies blow up due to the shockwaves. Meanwhile, Old Kaiō-shin reveals to Supreme Kaiō-shin that with three more blows the whole universe would be destroyed along with Beerus and Goku. Goku, on landing the third clash with Beerus, unknowingly stops the universe's collapse by balancing Beerus' attack with his own. Beerus gets enraged and uses his atomic bomb attack on Goku. Goku uses the Super Saiyan God energy to power up his Kamehameha to keep Beerus' attack at bay.

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  • s01e11
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Having somewhat got a grip on the Super Saiyan God form, Goku initially manages to keep up with Beerus, but he soon realizes that his opponent is still not fighting at his maximum. It is revealed that Beerus is doing so only to motivate Goku to catch up with him. To that end, Beerus drags Goku to space where he swiftly knocks him out. Goku comes crashing down back to Earth and ends up in an ocean. Amazed by such power, Goku gets excited and powers up, healing himself in the process. Willing to have another go, he flies out of the ocean and dashes towards Beerus.

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  • s01e10
    • 0.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Now a Super Saiyan God, Goku confronts Beerus. He is amazed by the immense power his body has gained with the transformation, so much so that he is initially unable to fully grasp its newfound potential. Fighting with Beerus, Goku manages to grow gradually into his new form. Seeing as how Goku might turn out to be a worthy adversary after all, Beerus decides it is time for them to unleash their true power and have a real battle of Gods.

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  • s01e09
    • 5.00/5
    9 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Goku gathers the Dragon Balls together and summons Shenlong who is startled by Beerus' presence. Shenlong quickly explains that the Super Saiyan God is not a person but a legendary transformation that only kindhearted Saiyans can achieve by fusing their power together. The Saiyans attempt to transform Goku but fail, as they are one Saiyan short. Growing tired of waiting, Beerus starts preparing his attack to destroy the planet. Suddenly, Videl jumps in front of the Saiyans. She says that there is one more Saiyan who might be able to help them – her and Gohan's unborn child. The Saiyans and Videl attempt the transformation again and manage to transform Goku into the Super Saiyan God.

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  • s01e08
    • 4.00/5
    10 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Having powered up, Vegeta charges towards Beerus. He manages to land a few punches before Beerus, who was using only a fraction of his power, knocks him out. Just as he is about to destroy Earth, Beerus has a sudden idea. He decides to give the Earthlings another chance at saving Earth. Meanwhile, fearing for their lives, Pilaf Gang disembark Bulma's ship on a rowboat and sail away. Thinking he is the same as Majin Boo because of his pink hue, Beerus picks Oolong out of the crowd and challenges him to a game of janken (じゃんけん) (rock, paper, scissors) to decide the fate of Earth. Oolong manages to draw twice, but Beerus eventually wins and proceeds to power up his attack. Just as Beerus is about to fire, Goku chimes in saying he has thought of a way to find out about the Super Saiyan God – by summoning and asking Shenlong.

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  • s01e07
    • 5.00/5
    10 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Beerus effortlessly disposes of Majin Boo, while Vegeta stands by in awe. Vegeta tries to persuade Beerus to calm down and enjoy himself, but he refuses to listen. Trunks and Goten fuse into Gotenks and attack to no avail. Powerless to do anything else, Gotenks starts insulting Beerus for which he is promptly punished. Piccolo, Tenshinhan, and Android 18 try taking on Beerus with little success. Majin Boo attacks again but is unable to land a single hit. While observing the battle, Dende realizes what Beerus actually is and immediately informs Piccolo. Before Piccolo is able to warn him, Gohan powers up and charges towards Beerus. Using Majin Boo as a weapon, Beerus repels Gohan, taking them both out. Being the last one standing, Vegeta confronts Beerus, but he is swiftly brought to the ground. Beerus tells Vegeta that he is disappointed with him; that he is just as weak as his father was. Just as Beerus is about to finish Vegeta, Bulma walks up and slaps him for ruining her party. Beerus retaliates in similar fashion. Seeing Bulma struck infuriates Vegeta; he explodes and powers up immensely.

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  • s01e06
    • 5.00/5
    10 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Beerus and Whis arrive on Earth, where Bulma's birthday party is underway. Initially, Vegeta is paralyzed by Beerus' presence. He recalls a childhood encounter with the deity a long time ago when Beerus visited Planet Vegeta and threatened his father, King Vegeta. Shortly after, Bulma pops up. She invites Beerus and Whis to join the party. Beerus gladly accepts her offer and enjoys the food available. The two start mingling with the other guests, while Vegeta tries his best to ensure that Beerus remains calm. Whis soon learns of pudding, which he finds to be extraordinary delicious; so much so that he urges Beerus to have some too. However, it turns out Majin Boo took all the other pudding cups for himself and refuses to share. Angered by Majin Boo's insolence, Beerus attacks him.

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  • s01e05
    • 5.00/5
    10 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Beerus and Whis arrive on Kaiō-sama's planet and detect Goku's presence. While he is initially disappointed that Goku does not know what a 'Super Saiyan God' is, he agrees to test his strength in a sparring match. Goku attempts to fight him in all of the Super Saiyan transformations but is outclassed every time. Beerus and Whis head for Earth shortly afterwards while Kaiō-sama uses his telepathy to warn Vegeta ahead of their arrival.

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  • s01e04
    • 5.00/5
    10 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    With all guests now gathered, except for Son Goku and Vegeta, Bulma's birthday party gets underway. Trunks shows Son Goten where his mother hid the bingo tournament grand prize – the Dragon Balls. Not far off from the ship, Pilaf Gang, now poor and hungry, are trying to get by until they find the Dragon Balls and make their wishes come true. When his Dragon Radar picks up a signal coming from Bulma's ship, Pilaf and his henchmen hastily board the ship, with Trunks and Goten's help. Meanwhile, on his planet, Kaiō-sama explains to Goku who and what Beerus exactly is and that for every benevolent God there must be a malevolent one in order to keep the Universe in balance. Just as he finishes, Beerus and Whis arrive.

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  • s01e03
    • 0.00/5
    10 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Fearing what might happen knowing that the God of Destruction is awake, the Kaiō-shin urge Kaiō-sama to ensure that Son Goku never finds out about Beerus. However, Goku overhears the conversation and becomes curious. Back in his temple, Beerus and Whis continue their search for the Super Saiyan God. They soon learn of Son Goku and his feats and decide to pay him and Kaiō-sama a visit. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Goku's friends and family members begin gathering on the cruise ship for Bulma's birthday party except for Vegeta who is still training to overpower Goku and everyone else in the Universe.

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  • s01e02
    • 0.00/5
    10 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    Son Goku goes to Planet Kaiō to train with Kaiō-sama. Meanwhile, Vegeta, Bulma, and Trunks take a family trip to a resort. Bulma and Trunks are enjoying the family time together while Vegeta is bothered by the fact that Goku gets to train. Fed up with what he considers a waste of time, Vegeta flies away and heads back to the Capsule Corporation to train. Somewhere in space, Beerus and Whis scour an alien planet in search of dinosaur meat. They are confronted by the planet's strongest dweller, but he proves to be no match for them. Shortly afterwards, Beerus destroys the planet in order to have another vision of his destined opponent – the Super Saiyan God.

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  • s01e01
    • 0.00/5
    10 years ago
    12:00- 12:30
    Dragon Ball Super - S5E55

    After Son Goku defeated the dangerous Majin Boo, peace has returned to Earth once again. Chi-Chi wants Goku to get a job, so he works as a farmer. Son Goten and his friend Trunks search for a gift for Videl, soon to be his sister-in-law when his older brother, Son Gohan, is engaged to her. First, they decide on rings, then they decide on make-up, but unable to afford any, head for the hot springs in the woods to bottle some mineral water instead. While there, they are attacked by a giant snake, which they manage to scare away. Meanwhile, somewhere in the depths of space, Beerus, the God of Destruction, has awakened from his slumber. Keen on battling the worthy opponent that appeared to him in his visions, Beerus and his attendant Whis set out to discover who this opponent is.

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